What's in a name.

An explanation for the Surname Noake

History via the Surname

Noake:  where does that come from then?

So the surname is from Middle English (approximately 1150-1500) and is based on a geographical locality: 'Near the Oak', another example is Nash 'near the Ash'.

For more information on the varied Oak species drill down via this amazing biological resource...

This ancient  Saxon name is derived from common usage of 'atte' (location of a person) en Oak, a place designation, e.g. near the Oak, which originated in those counties surrounding London known as the home counties.

So in actual middle English - nẹ̄r thẹ̄̆ oke - this taken from the Middle English dictionary at University of Mitchigan.

For more about the definition of the surname try here for information Forebears or here.


Lets try different styles then...
  • nẹ̄r thẹ̄̆ ōke
  • this?
  • nẹ̄r thẹ̄̆ ōke
  • ,or perhaps
  • nẹ̄r thẹ̄̆ ōke
  • and then again...
  • nẹ̄r thẹ̄̆ ōke
  • Or in Chinese then 诺克

And the root! Get it ha ha. So the Oak's have been around for 56 million years, estimated from pollen grains found near Salzburg, Austria. With approximately 450 species with some fluidity within species definitions.

Finally lets get to where the name for the site came from: though I can claim no specific link to the celts, the Celts do appear to have been more of a culture than a specific ethnic group. The Oak however seems to have had a great significance to them. Hence one of the definitions for the their 'medicine men' - Druid - seems to have been 'Oak Seeker'. There you have it.